Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bureacracy in Education

I'm very concerned about education. Our public schools, once our proudest accomplishment, are in dire straights. Much of the problem rests with the vast administrative bureaucracies. They deplete funds and create a user non-friendly environment for both students and teachers. Bureaucracies are by definition impersonal. Children require a nurturing environment to learn in, and to nurture it has to be personal.

Today's students don’t get that pat on the shoulder for a job well done because the teachers are all too aware that any touch could be deemed inappropriate by detached administrators. They fear talking over a personal issue with a teacher or counselor will result in a home visit from Child Protective Services. There are rules and procedures that must be followed by school personnel. No one is a safe haven. No adult is permitted to show caring on a personal level. This has got to be a factor when children shoot up schools and malls in what they acknowledge as a futile attempt to have someone notice their anguish. It’s almost surprising that more children aren’t acting out in rage.

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